Celebrity against Tiktok ban, Tiktoker protest at Maitighar

The Nepal  government decided to shut down 'Tiktok' on kartik  27, saying that the social network Tiktok was disturbing social, religious and communal relations. After the government's decision, , there was a lot of protest demanding for  regulation of  Tiktok. The closure of Tik Tok protests has not only resulted in a case in the court, but there have also been protests from other social networks to the streets. In this situation, most of the celebrities of Nepal have protested. They are objecting to the closure of Tiktok through social media.

Malina Joshi, Niti Shah, Samriddhi Rai, Namrata Shrestha, Sadichha Shrestha and other models, Miss Nepal and actress have asked the government to make strict policies and community guidelines instead of banning tiktok.


In the difficult situation of Covid-19, Tiktok has created a way to enjoy and entertain and it has given birth to many talents, they said, 'Closing Tiktok means depriving people from their freedom.'

Meanwhile, Tiktok users are protesting against the government's decision to ban Tiktok. Ticktoker  protested against the government's ban on Tiktok on Sunday at Maitighar Mandla . They demonstrated against the government with playcards bearing various slogans.


In the last two months, there were 548 cyber victims through TikTok and 3,778 victims from Facebook, they said, out of every 100 cyber victims, 7 victims were found through TikTok and 80 victims through Facebook.

Based on this data, they have also said that the ban should be imposed on Facebook and not on Tiktok. They said that India has banned many Chinese apps, including Tiktok , for political reasons, and Tiktok has become a means of promoting the business of hundreds of new businessmen in Nepal.

They have methaphorically said that they should not cut off their hands if they are in  pain, instead they should treat it similarly , instead of banning tiktok , government need to regulate it.

Although the petition filed against the government's decision to ban Tik Tok was said to be heard in the Supreme Court on Monday, it has been kept in abeyance. The 10 petitions filed against the Tiktok ban were assigned to the bench of Judge Kumar Chudal on Monday.
