"Prominent Lawmaker Stresses Importance of Addressing Marginalized Voices for Successful Constitution Implementation"

Kathmandu- In a notable statement today, lawmaker Pramila Kumari emphasized that the successful implementation of the country's constitution and federal system hinges upon addressing the concerns of marginalized communities.

Pramila Kumari, who also serves as the Minister of State for Education, Science, and Technology, underscored the need to amplify the voices of those at the margins during an interview with RSS.

Expressing her commitment to a federal democratic republican system, Kumari stated, "I have been a vocal advocate for inclusivity, striving to address the issues faced by marginalized communities and groups."

She argued that for the Constitution to be implemented fairly, it is crucial to ensure that the voices of the people at the margins are heard and taken into account. Kumari highlighted her pivotal role as a member of the Legislative Management Committee of the National Assembly during the initial two years, where she advocated for the inclusion of the principle of inclusivity in all bills, policies, and guidelines formulated by the government.

"The implementation of this provision has now taken effect," she affirmed.

The Legislative Management Committee, known for its role in holding the government accountable, monitoring and evaluating governmental actions, and providing necessary guidance, is considered a significant body within the political landscape.

Kumari also shared her experience as a member of the National Assembly, where she served on the Sustainable Development and Good Governance Committee. This committee focuses on issues related to balanced and sustainable development, as well as promoting good governance initiatives undertaken by the government.

It actively advocates for coordination and directives to ensure the multi-dimensional aspects of development are implemented, fostering equitable and meaningful governance.

Having been elected unopposed to the Member of the National Assembly from the Janaata Samajbadi Party in the women's category, Kumari is widely recognized as an intellectual leader in the political sphere.

As the nation progresses, the significance of acknowledging and addressing the concerns of marginalized communities remains crucial for the successful implementation of the constitution and the establishment of an inclusive democratic framework.

Source: RSS
