Classic Wheels hosts Exclusive Event for Garow

Kathmandu– Classic Wheels Export & Import celebrated a significant milestone at the Varnabas Museum Hotel with an exclusive event, marking the unveiling of exciting new projects and achievements for their innovative brand, Garow Electric. The event brought together media, influencers, and industry insiders to witness the brand's latest developments and future plans.

The event introduced the exciting Influencer Challenge, set to commence soon. Influencers from across the country will participate, creating engaging content to showcase the features and performance of the Garow DT-60. The challenge offers a range of prizes, rewarding creativity, reach, and engagement.

Additionally, Garow GymKhana was announced, featuring open-competitive events with exciting courses. Gymkhana events typically involve timed competitions where drivers navigate through complex obstacle courses designed to test their maneuvering skills, agility, and speed. Details about the GymKhana events will be revealed soon.

Garow also previewed upcoming services across Nepal, emphasizing its commitment to sustainable and high-performance transportation solutions. The company is dedicated to providing easily accessible assistance through its network of service centers, ensuring customers can receive prompt support in case of scooter issues.

Popular influencers and motovloggers Ram Bikram Thapa (Twinsrider Vlogs), Neshang Shrestha, and Bishesh Regmi Khatri shared their experiences from the Garow Range Test. Bishesh Regmi Khatri successfully traveled to Chitwan and explored the city on a single charge, demonstrating the scooter’s impressive range and reliability. Meanwhile, Ram Bikram Thapa and Neshang Shrestha journeyed to Dharan, covering 358 kilometers and 367 kilometers respectively on a single charge. These real-world tests underscored the superior performance and efficiency of the Garow DT-60.

The meet-up featured a special ceremony honoring Bhim Hona, the winner of the DT977 MX Championship series. The championship finals, held on May 18, 2024, showcased Bhim’s exceptional riding skills and determination. As a grand prize, Bhim was awarded a Tracker 250 bike from Crossfire. The handover ceremony celebrated Bhim’s victory and highlighted Classic Wheels' commitment to supporting local talent and sporting events.

The Garow Meet-Up was a resounding success, with enthusiastic participation from media representatives and influencers. The event provided a platform for engaging discussions, hands-on experiences with Garow’s products, and networking opportunities. Positive feedback from attendees highlighted the growing interest in Garow’s innovations and the company’s impact on the electric mobility sector.



