Biratnagar Academy formed

Biratnagar- The Biratnagar Metropolitan City has formed Biratnagar Academy, which is aimed at working for the development of language, literature, culture and arts. A meeting of the Municipal Executive of the Biratnagar Metropolitan City on Thursday formed the Academy under the chairmanship of senior litterateur Bibash Pokharel. Sarala Chapagain has been named the Vice-Chair of the Academy while literary figure Dinesh Raj Subedi is appointed the Member-Secretary of Biratnagar Academy.

Likewise, the meeting of the Municipal Executive of the Biratnagar Metropolitan City appointed Maya Poudel as a member of the Academy from the music sector, Ganga Subedi from fine arts, Prabhusan Dhungel from language, Madhu Pokharel from literature, Bhairab Chhetri from drama and Shiva Narayan Pandit from the mother language. The meeting presided over by Mayor of Biratnagar Nagesh Koirala took the decision. Earlier in January, the Biratnagar Metropolitan City had passed the Biratnagar Academy Act.

Source: RSS
